I can not believe that in ONE week from today my baby will be 2!!! He is such a little man! Where did the time go? He has been changing so much, even in these past few months.
Here are some of his latest and greatest moments/sayings....
1. He will only eat the Oreo side that has the frosting. All he does is lick off the frosting and then he is done.
2. He LOVES Peanut Butter sandwiches. Tonight he ate one with an adult fork.
3. He would drink a gallon of milk a day if we let him. He says "mommy, milk" which can sound bad "mommy's milk..." um yeah. Awkward!
4. He enjoys saying "coffee" and pointing to my coffee mug.
Daddy Moments:
1. He LOVES to wrestle with his daddy.
2. He waits in the Bay window and laughs so hard when he sees Josh riding home after work on his bike.
3. He and daddy enjoy walks to see the ducks!
Mommy Moments:
1. When I get home from working or an appointment E will say "mommy home, mommy home."
2. We like to meet up with Kelsey/Elle at the park between our house for play dates.
E Sayings:
1. When we say "love you" he replies with "love you too."
2. He likes to tell Mocha when he is being "naughty".
3. "No hit Elle" (we have to remind him before going to Cousin Elliana's that we are gentle and don't hit.
4. "I scared" This is sad a lot about the dark, the train's horn and the dinosaurs at the MN Zoo.
E Loves:
1. The ZOO.
(Leighton, Elijah, Annie)
2. The park.
3. The church nursery (He says "choo, choo" every time when tell him we are going to church...they have trains in the nursery)
4. PABLO (and Pablo kisses)
5. WATER...he would swim and play in it every day if he could. He has NO fear of the water.
6. His Bible! He asks to read his Bible every night before bedtime.
Elijah entertains us, makes us laugh and boy do we sure love him!